A real life calf stretch

A real life calf stretch!! Ok, so it’s not really a calf stretch it’s my foot in dorsiflexion as I clamber up the hill after my boys, but you can see it’s the same movement right? Yes? So you see when we’re ‘calf stretching’ or ‘calf raising’ in class we’re actually practicing uphill walking. Uphill walking is a natural human movement which we, in our mainly flat level world, get very little of. And that is exactly why I include it in my teaching. Our body is designed to do so much, yet as a culture we do so little. And in doing so little we limit our body’s potential to thrive. Identifying our lost movements and working to regain them is a fantastic way to begin to thrive. ???
#itallstartswiththecalfstretch #nutritiousmovement #weliveinabox #restorativeexercise #naturalmovement #calfstretch #vivobarefoot