Carrying Paint home

How else would you carry paint home?
#movemore #justmove #walkeveryday #diy #nutritiousmovement #moveyourdna #shoulderwork #coreexercises #movemoreuk

On my way

On my way

On my way to host the inaugural Move More workshop with @jeannettemoves in Edinburgh! Super exciting & such a great crew joining us to learn more about the science of ageing with lots of movement and some business coaching built in too to make it all count. Can’t...

standing prep

standing prep

Prepping for this morning’s teaching practice ... Just because there’s a sofa there we don’t need to sit on it! #movemoreuk #movemore #nutritiousmovement #standingdesk #yoga #yogateachertraining #yogateacher #sustainableyoga #workingmum #newfriends #missingmyboys



Wonderful training course today where the presenter fully took on board our ‘Move More’ message. We had movement breaks, stretch sessions, standing portions, breakout sessions on our feet... the works! Thank you Alex of Wenta for embracing and making today’s session...

Bag Carrying

Bag Carrying

How do you carry your bag? Here’s the same bag being carried three ways on the school run this afternoon.... and by the time we got home three minutes later the bags were all in different positions again. Variety is key. Just because we have a...

Kids party

Kids party

Just the best kids party! Challenging strength, courage and commitment in a super fun and friendly place. Thank you fit @ OCR, we’ll be back! #kidsneedtomove #upperbodystrength #bestkidsparty #sunshine

Feet on a beach

Feet on a beach

Giving my feet some wonderful movement on the beach today. Our feet so need to move and the beach is a fabulous place to do just that ... the big stones, the little stones the sand. It’s all so very good for the joints, muscles, ligaments, bones and nerves in our...

Our feet matter

Our feet matter

A quarter of our bones are below our ankles. 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 muscles, ligaments & tendons. For the sake of our hips, knees, spine, balance, mobility, pelvis ...(need I go on?!) ... we really should look after them better than we do. Our cultural norm...

Are you trying to ditch your sofa?

Are you trying to ditch your sofa?

Are you trying to ditch your sofa? Have you read that sitting on the floor is better for you but you can't quite bring yourself to skip the sofa? I hear you ... especially on these freezing cold days when the Beast is blowing through the cracks in the window frames...

Break time with Katy’s Books

Break time with Katy’s Books

Break time with Katy’s books (@propriometricspress @nutritiousmovement) at today’s Cambridge workshop. Such a great group of ladies exploring how to move their bodies better #floorsitting #readabook #nutritiousmovement #restorativeexercise #cambridge #workshop...