These are books I whol heartedly recommend – read them 🙂
On my way
On my way to host the inaugural Move More workshop with @jeannettemoves in Edinburgh! Super exciting & such a great crew joining us to learn more about the science of ageing with lots of movement and some business coaching built in too to make it all count. Can’t...
standing desk outside
Standing desk outside! Win win win! How are you getting your sun today? #movemore #gooutside #dontjustsitthere #standupdesk #nutritousmovement #moveyourdna #mumpreneur #workingmum #workingfromhome #sunshine
Just because there are chairs we don’t have to use them! There are so many opportunities in the workplace to get standing and moving, we just need to start noticing them and start taking them. #standupmeeting #dynamicworking #activeworking #workshop #brainstorming...
Snowman Selfie
Snowman selfie on the way to teach this morning 🙂 ⛄️ ❄️ #snow #yogateacher
Love this inspiration
LOVE this! ? #inspirationfortoday #travel #smile #laugh #dream #love #beyourself
new toys
New toys! Looking forward to using these in my Baldock classes next week! It’s all about variety & diversity, identifying & supporting boundaries ... and doing it all more ?. #localclasses #schoolrun #modernyogi #sustainableyoga #newtoys #yogateacher #straps...
school run ice
The joy of school run ice discoveries never ends! #schoolrun #stillwearingshorts #ice #vivobarefoot #boys #workingmum #winter #snow #moveyourdna
Movement buddies
Snapsy @nutritiousmovement #moveyourdna scarves! Such fun meeting up & learning with this lovely lady again after nearly 4 years ... thanks @puremovementcentre for being my window buddy this week! Until next time ... ?
yoga teacher training
Teacher training was all about the core today! Great session & I have a heap of great new moves to share with you all very soon! Thank you @heartandbonesyoga & Kat! #coreworkout #sustainableyoga #yogateachertraining #yogateacher
standing prep
Prepping for this morning’s teaching practice ... Just because there’s a sofa there we don’t need to sit on it! #movemoreuk #movemore #nutritiousmovement #standingdesk #yoga #yogateachertraining #yogateacher #sustainableyoga #workingmum #newfriends #missingmyboys