You are how you move

“You are how you move”

So how much do you move? When do you move?  How often do you move?

And when you’re moving, how are you moving? Which bits of you are moving? Is it just your legs and arms? How about your feet? If they’re always in rigid shoes then it’s tricky for them to move much at all.

Our bodies are designed to move and our bodies need to move. When we move, our muscles pull oxygen into our cells and pump waste away from our cells. When we don’t move, our circulation suffers, our heart has to work harder and our lymph system (the bit that fights infections) struggles.

“So let’s move” I hear you cry :)..

But I’m not just talking about more walking (though that would be a fine thing to do as well!) I’m talking about more whole body movement; moving more of our body in more of the ways it was designed… moving our legs and arms behind us (as well as in front), finding the space between our toes and the space between our fingers and moving our arms above our heads (without moving the ribs too).

“Ok, but some bits of me don’t seem to move much anymore”

Yep, some bits of me don’t move much anymore either ;), but these ‘sticky’ spots are just a symptom of how we’ve moved or, more accurately, not moved until now. With different isolated motions (‘Restorative Exercises’) ‘sticky’ spots can be ‘unstuck’ to give us back more of the natural movements we once had. More natural movements mean more of our body moves more of the time  and that opens the door to better circulation, a stronger lymph system and a happier heart J.

So Happy New Year! This year is going to be my year of movement… whole body, plentiful and FUN movement… I hope you’ll join me!