10 ways to move more in the office

We are all short on time, so multi-tasking has got to be the way forward, especially when it comes to movement. If we’re saying we need to move of us more often then we need to find ways to get that movement in whilst we’re doin other things. So if you’re office bound this one is for you.

1. Take an eye break.. every 30mins look at the furthest thing you can see from your desk …even better get up and look out of a window… perhaps you could make a habit of looking out of the window everytime you walk past one. Our eyes have muscles in them too and they need to move like the rest of us.

2. Get yourself a wobble cushion to sit on… it’s kinda like a swiss ball but more subtle, takes up way less space and won’t roll away when you stand up to reach for something the other side of the desk

3. Get yourself a fancy keyboard that splits in two

4. Stretch your calves.. sitting shortens your calf muscles, putting the ball of your foot up on something whilst you are working helps lengthen them out

5. Get up and get a drink every hour … if the water cooler is within 5 steps then find another one or do a lap around the office first.

6. Eat your lunch away from your desk in a body shape that is different from that used at your desk …got it? I mean, we’re not playing musical statues here, but if you sit in a chair to work then stand up to eat, if you stand to work, sit to eat (yes, I did really just say that!)

7. Sit with a neutral pelvis.. a what? Yes, ok, sorry a bit of lingo in there. I mean sit on your sit bones so that your tail bone isn’t being squashed … you’ll use more muscle here (you’re having to fight the effect gravity would normally have on your pelvis) which means you’ll naturally move a little more

8. Stand up for meetings .. you’ll find their much more focused!

9. Walk and talk .. take your phone for a walk to make your calls. If there’s no where to walk find an empty meeting room to stand in. If they’re the gold dust they were in my last office then find somewhere else.

10. (Winter only) slip off your shoes and roll your feet on a ball or stone to move some of those 33 joints in the foot. I say winter only because I don’t want to be responsible for any stinky feet smells in the workplace.. that said if you work from home then you probably can join in the summer barefoot brigade.