The Blog

fabulous workshop
by tanya | Sep 8, 2018 | Quick Pics
Had such fabulous ladies at my workshop today. Thank you so much to those who came. I am truly so lucky with the clients who find me and am so thankful that I can help these wonderful people get more from their bodies. Thank you to all my clients ... you really make...

functional squat
by tanya | Sep 7, 2018 | Quick Pics, Uncategorised
Functional squat (sort-of) foraging time! Just the best morning exercise! #nutritiousmovement #squats #apples #harvest #baldock

Breathing matters … your core, pelvic floor & prostate may depend on it!
by tanya | Aug 7, 2018 | articles
In the last few month I’ve encountered at least three exercise classes where the cues have got me rattled. As a recovered sufferer from much core & pelvic floor dysfunction (no, not a fun time!) I am utterly passionate about good core & floor education ... and...

The history of Heels
by tanya | Aug 7, 2018 | articles
So if you've been following my work for a while you will know that I am not a fan of heels. Why? Because simply they prevent our bodies resting in natural alignment, force our body to continually compensate and limit our ranges of motion. That aside, I cannot argue...

Special guest in the studio
by tanya | Jun 4, 2018 | Quick Pics
Special guest in the studio today rounding off an awesome weekend of teaching, talking and fun :). Loved every minute ... finding your people and doing something you love is just the best. Hope you too have found your people and are following your passion.... if not,...

Katy Bowman in Cambridge
by tanya | May 31, 2018 | Quick Pics
Super excited to have @nutritiousmovement with us in Cambridge on Sunday for some movement, book signing and a general gathering of the most awesome movers around!! Yep of course I’m biased but SO excited to see so many of my favourite colleagues and client in one...

Scarfell pike
by tanya | May 31, 2018 | Quick Pics
On top of England with this awesome crew (plus the one behind the camera) 6.5hrs 10km 900m up #awesomeboys #scarfellpike #halftermadventures #ilovemountains #theylovemountains #proudmum #moveyourdna #lethemmovetheirdna #mountains #ilovethelakes #thelakedistrict...

Kids party
by tanya | May 21, 2018 | Quick Pics, quick-tips
Just the best kids party! Challenging strength, courage and commitment in a super fun and friendly place. Thank you fit @ OCR, we’ll be back! #kidsneedtomove #upperbodystrength #bestkidsparty #sunshine

Feet on a beach
by tanya | May 6, 2018 | Quick Pics, quick-tips
Giving my feet some wonderful movement on the beach today. Our feet so need to move and the beach is a fabulous place to do just that ... the big stones, the little stones the sand. It’s all so very good for the joints, muscles, ligaments, bones and nerves in our...

Our feet matter
by tanya | May 4, 2018 | quick-tips
A quarter of our bones are below our ankles. 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 muscles, ligaments & tendons. For the sake of our hips, knees, spine, balance, mobility, pelvis ...(need I go on?!) ... we really should look after them better than we do. Our cultural norm...