My boys perfectly (& totally impromptu-ly!) demonstrating the very thing I was talking about with my Skype client this afternoon; the importance of varying how you carry! And a gorgeous afternoon for a walk home it was too!

#Repost @movemoreuk with @get_repost
How do you carry your bag? Here’s the same bag being carried three ways on the school run this afternoon…. and by the time we got home three minutes later the bags were all in different positions again. Variety is key. Just because we have a comfy-‘ergonomic’-good-for-our-back-bag it doesn’t mean we should carry it in the one position, our bodies love and need a variety of movements, the more the better! Kids are great at varying their movement … if you have any in your life see what tips you can pick up 🙂
#theschoolrun #hometime #schoolbag #movemoreuk #nutritiousmovement #walkeveryday #moveyourdna #letthemmovetheirdna #kidsmovement